PU Shuai*,ZHANG Jin,LI Shuai.Research Progress on the Dispersion of Insoluble Particles of Electroless Plating[J].Plating & Finishing,2019,(8):29-32.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-3849.2019.08.007]
- Title:
- Research Progress on the Dispersion of Insoluble Particles of Electroless Plating
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 化学镀中加入的不溶性颗粒的分散问题目前仍未得到有效解决。本文综述了化学镀分散问题的产生,归纳了提高第三相颗粒分散性的方法,主要包括添加表面活性剂等分散剂的方法、机械搅拌、超声波分散、机械雾化、高剪切分散、球磨等机械方法、颗粒表面包覆、表面氧化处理、低温等离子体处理等表面改性的方法。化学镀中颗粒分散性的表征手段主要包括沉降法、接触角法、形貌法、粒度分析法、Zeta电位分析法以及红外-紫外-可见光分度计法。展望了化学镀颗粒分散性研究的未来发展方向。
- Abstract:
- The problem of dispersion of insoluble particles during electroless plating is still an unsolved problem. This paper reviewed the generation of electroless plating dispersion problems, and summarized the methods of improving the dispersion of third phase particles, including the methods of adding dispersants such as adding surfactants, the mechanical methods such as mechanical agitation, ultrasonic dispersion, mechanical atomization, high shear dispersion and ball milling, the methods of surface modification such as surface coating of particles, surface oxidation treatment and low temperature plasma treatment. The characterization methods of particles dispersion in electroless plating mainly include sedimentation method, contact angle method, topography method, particle size analysis method, Zeta potential analysis method and infrared-ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometry method. The development of particle dispersion in electroless plating in the future is prospected.
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收稿日期: 2019-01-31;修回日期: 2019-04-25
通信作者: 蒲帅,2580040465@qq.com