HAN Erfeng*,YAO Bin.Effect of Concentration of Lanthanum Nitrate on the Properties of Ni-P/PTFE Composite Coatings Prepared by Electroless Plating on Guide Pillar of Automobile Mould[J].Plating & Finishing,2020,(11):10-15.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-3849.2020.11.0030]
- Title:
- Effect of Concentration of Lanthanum Nitrate on the Properties of Ni-P/PTFE Composite Coatings Prepared by Electroless Plating on Guide Pillar of Automobile Mould
- 关键词:
- 耐磨性; Ni-P/PTFE复合镀层; 化学镀; 硝酸镧浓度; 汽车模具导柱
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 将稀土以硝酸镧形式加入镀液中,在汽车模具导柱较常用的材料20#钢表面化学镀Ni-P/PTFE复合镀层,考察了硝酸镧浓度对复合镀层形貌、成分和耐磨性的影响。结果表明,硝酸镧浓度对复合镀层形貌、成分和耐磨性都有一定影响。与不加硝酸镧时制备的复合镀层相比,加入硝酸镧后制备的复合镀层中PTFE颗粒含量随着硝酸镧浓度增加(15~50 mg/L)而增多,其耐磨性逐步改善,磨损后表面的磨痕明显变浅。但是随着硝酸镧浓度从50 mg/L继续增加到70 mg/L,复合镀层中PTFE含量减少,其耐磨性变差,磨损程度加重。硝酸镧浓度为50 mg/L时制备的复合镀层形貌质量和耐磨性最好,其摩擦系数和磨损率都是最低,分别为0.17%、4.5%,磨损程度最轻。
- Abstract:
- The rare earth was added to the plating bath in the form of lanthanum nitrate, Ni-P/PTFE composite coatings on the surface of 20# steel which was commonly used for guide pillar of automobile mould were prepared by electroless plating, and the effect of concentration of lanthanum nitrate on the morphology, component and wear resistance of composite coating was investigated. The results showed that the concentration of lanthanum nitrate has a certain influence on the morphology, composition and wear resistance of composite coatings. Compared with the composite coating prepared without lanthanum nitrate, the content of PTFE particles in composite coatings was increased with the increase of the concentration of lanthanum nitrate from 15 mg/L to 50 mg/L. The wear resistance of composite coatings was gradually improved, and the surface wear marks became significantly shallower. However, when the concentration of lanthanum nitrate increase from 50 mg/L to 70 mg/L, the wear resistance of composite coatings became worse and the wear degree became serious due to the decrease of the content of PTFE particles in composite coatings. When the concentration of lanthanum nitrate was 50 mg/L, the composite coating has the best morphology quality, and exhibits the best wear resistance with lowest friction coefficient and wear rate of 0.17% and 4.5%, respectively. Moreover, the wear degree of the composite coating was the lightest.
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收稿日期: 2020-06-02;修回日期: 2020-06-20
通信作者: 韩二锋,erfeng.han@vip.163.com