Zhao Mingxin,Zhao Xu *,Lang Xiaochen.Preparation and corrosion resistance and mechanical stability of superhydrophobic film on titanium alloy[J].Plating & Finishing,2024,(2):44-51.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-3849.2024.02.007]
- Title:
- Preparation and corrosion resistance and mechanical stability of superhydrophobic film on titanium alloy
- Keywords:
- superhydrophobic film ; titanium alloy ; anodic oxidation ; surface modification ; corrosion resistance ; mechanical stability
- 分类号:
- TG174
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 采用阳极氧化工艺在 Ti6A14V 钛合金表面制备阳极氧化膜作为过渡层,然后喷涂 SiO 2 颗粒溶胶烘烤使其固化成膜,再通过正辛基三乙氧基硅烷表面修饰,制备出具有微纳米表面结构、接触角为 151.6 ° 的超疏水膜。结果表明:超疏水膜的主要成分为 Ti 、 O 、 Si 和 C 元素,腐蚀电流密度仅为 8.06×10 -8 A/cm 2 ,较裸钛合金降低约一个数量级,并且电荷转移电阻和低频阻抗模值较裸钛合金分别增大约 7000 Ω ·cm 2 、 3000 Ω ·cm 2 ,表现出良好的耐蚀性,可作为耐腐蚀膜层对钛合金起到防护作用。超疏水膜经受 80 次落砂冲击、 50 次胶带剥离以及沿砂纸往复摩擦 400 cm 后,接触角仍然大于 150 ° ,保持超疏水状态。蜂窝状多孔结构的阳极氧化膜充当过渡层,使溶胶膜和表面修饰形成的薄膜与钛合金基体牢固结合,从而表现出良好的机械稳定性。
- Abstract:
- : An anodic oxide film was formed on the surface of Ti6A14V titanium alloy by anodic oxidation process as a transition layer , and SiO 2 particles sol was sprayed and baked to form a sol film. A superhydrophobic film with micro-nano surface structure and the contact angle of 151.6 ° was prepared by surface modification with n-octyltriethoxysilane. The test results show that the main components of the superhydrophobic film are Ti , O , Si and C elements , and the corrosion current density is only 8.06×10 -8 A/cm 2 , which is nearly an order of magnitude lower than that of bare titanium alloy , and the charge transfer resistance and low-frequency impedance mode value are increased by 7000 Ω ·cm 2 and 3000 Ω ·cm 2 respectively. The superhydrophobic film exhibits good corrosion resistance , and can be used as a corrosion-resistance film to protect titanium alloy. After 80 times of sand shakeout impact , 50 times of tape stripping and reciprocating wear 400 cm along the sandpaper , the contact angle of the superhydrophobic film is still greater than 150 ° , indicating that the superhydrophobic film maintaining the superhydrophobic state. The honeycomb porous anodic oxide film acts as the transition layer , which makes the sol film and the thin film formed after surface modification bond firmly with the titanium alloy matrix , thus the superhydrophobic film showing good mechanical stability.
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收稿日期: 2023-06-30 修回日期: 2023-08-28 作者简介: 赵明欣( 1983 —),硕士,副教授,主要研究方向:机械工程、表面技术等, email : Zhao_34845feng@163.com * 通信作者: 赵旭( 1982 —),博士,副教授,主要研究方向:机械设计及精密制造、表面技术等 email : 1982zhaoxu@163.com 基金项目: 内蒙古自治区高等学校科学研究项目( NJZY381 )