TAN Yushuo*,RONG Xuwei,HAN Han.Comparison of Properties of Ni-Co-P Coating and Ni-W-P Coating Prepared by Electroless Plating on Surface of 45 Steel Rod-Shaped Parts[J].Plating & Finishing,2020,(9):1-5.
- Title:
- Comparison of Properties of Ni-Co-P Coating and Ni-W-P Coating Prepared by Electroless Plating on Surface of 45 Steel Rod-Shaped Parts
- Keywords:
- Ni-Co-P coating Ni-W-P coating electroless plating hardness wear resistance corrosion resistance
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 本文在45钢杆件表面采用化学镀方法制备了Ni-P、Ni-Co-P以及Ni-W-P三种合金镀层,比较并分析了三种镀层的物相结构、结合力、表面形貌、成分、硬度、耐磨性能和耐蚀性能,以期明确Ni-Co-P镀层、Ni-W-P镀层的适用场合,从而使杆件的耐磨性能或耐蚀性能得到更大程度的提高。结果表明,三种镀层都具有非晶态结构,与基体的结合力较好,表面粗糙度相差不大。三种镀层的硬度分别是45钢硬度的2.9倍、3倍、3.2倍,磨损量和腐蚀失重较45钢也都明显降低,都可以用作45钢的表面保护层。相比之下,Ni-Co-P镀层更适用于提高杆件的耐蚀性能,Ni-W-P镀层更适用于提高杆件的耐磨性能。
- Abstract:
- In this paper, Ni-P, Ni-Co-P and Ni-W-P alloy coatings were prepared on the surface of45 steel rod-shaped parts by electroless plating method. The phase structure, binding force, surface morphology, composition, hardness, wear resistance and corrosion resistance of the three coatings were compared and analyzed, so as to determine the applicable conditions of Ni-Co-P coating and Ni-W-P coating, and then improve the wear resistance or corrosion resistance of rod-shaped parts to a greater extent. The results show that all of the three coatings have amorphous structure, good adhesion to the substrate and little difference in surface roughness. The hardness of these three coatings is 2.9 times, 3 times, 3.2 times of that of 45 steel and the wear and corrosion weight loss of these three coatings are significantly lower than that of 45 steel, indicating that all of these three coatings can be used as surface protection layer for 45 steel. In contrast, Ni-Co-P coating is more suitable for improving the corrosion resistance of rod-shaped parts, and Ni-W-P coating is more suitable for improving the wear resistance of rod-shaped parts.
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