KONG Lin,LIU Pinxiao*,KONG Bin.Electroless Plating of Ni-P/Ni-Mo-P Bilayered Coating on A3 Steel[J].Plating & Finishing,2021,(1):25-30.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-3849.2021.01.0050]
- Title:
- Electroless Plating of Ni-P/Ni-Mo-P Bilayered Coating on A3 Steel
- 关键词:
- Ni-P/Ni-Mo-P双层镀层; 单层Ni-P镀层; 化学镀; 腐蚀速率; 腐蚀形貌
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 在A3钢表面制备了以Ni-P镀层为底层、Ni-Mo-P镀层为表层的双层镀层,测试了单层Ni-P镀层、Ni-P/Ni-Mo-P双层镀层的结合力、腐蚀速率和阻抗谱图,并表征分析了单层Ni-P镀层、Ni-P/Ni-Mo-P双层镀层的成分以及腐蚀前后的形貌。结果表明,单层Ni-P镀层和Ni-P/Ni-Mo-P双层镀层都与基体结合良好,且都呈较为平整的胞状形貌;单层Ni-P镀层和Ni-P/Ni-Mo-P双层镀层都属于中磷镀层,Ni-P/Ni-Mo-P双层镀层表面几乎没有孔洞,胞状物大小相对均一,孔隙率仅为0.6个/cm2,明显低于单层Ni-P镀层;在一定周期内,单层Ni-P镀层和Ni-P/Ni-Mo-P双层镀层都能对A3钢起到较好的保护作用,从而减轻A3钢腐蚀。与单层Ni-P镀层相比,Ni-P/Ni-Mo-P双层镀层的耐腐蚀性能更好,能为A3钢提供更长效的防护。
- Abstract:
- Ni-P/Ni-Mo-P bilayered coating with Ni-P coating as the bottom layer and Ni-Mo-P coating as the surface layer was prepared on the surface of A3 steel. The binding force, corrosion rate and impedance spectra of single-layer Ni-P coating and Ni-P/Ni-Mo-P bilayered coating were tested, and the composition and morphology of single-layer Ni-P coating and Ni-P/Ni-Mo-P bilayered coating before and after corrosion were characterized and analyzed. The results show that both the single-layer Ni-P coating and Ni-P/Ni-Mo-P bilayered coating have a good combination with the matrix and they all present relatively flat cellular morphology. Both the single-layer Ni-P coating and Ni-P/Ni-Mo-P bilayered coating belong to the medium phosphorus coating, there are almost no holes on the surface of Ni-P/Ni-Mo-P bilayered coating, and the cellular substances are relatively uniform. The porosity of Ni-P/Ni-Mo-P bilayered coating is only 0.6 cm-2, which is significantly lower than that of single-layer Ni-P coating. In a certain period, both the single-layer Ni-P coating and Ni-P/Ni-Mo-P bilayered coating can play a protective role in reducing the corrosion of A3 steel. Compared with single-layer Ni-P coating, Ni-P/Ni-Mo-P bilayered coating exhibits better corrosion resistance and can provide longer protection for A3 steel.
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收稿日期: 2020-05-20;修回日期: 2020-06-14
通信作者: 刘品潇, email: lpinxiao@163.com
基金项目: 民生科技发展计划项目(182107000037)