Yu Jie?sup>,Bai Zhongbo,Meng Jianlong?,et al.The influence of high-frequency and high-speed copper foil indicators of different manufacturers on the resistance to peel strength[J].Plating & Finishing,2024,(6):1-7.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-3849.2024.06.001]
- Title:
- The influence of high-frequency and high-speed copper foil indicators of different manufacturers on the resistance to peel strength
- Keywords:
- high-frequency and high-speed electrolytic copper foil ; reversed copper foil ; ultra-low profile copper foil ; peel strength
- 分类号:
- TQ153.2
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 随着 5G 信息技术的不断发展,对 5G 用高频高速电解铜箔提出了更高的要求和更新的规范。目前我国生产的硬板用电解铜箔有反转铜箔( RTF )和超低轮廓铜箔( HVLP )两种,本文主要分别对国内外 6 个不同厂家同一批次的 12 μ m 反转铜箔( 12RTF )与 2 个不同厂家同一批次的 12 μ m 超轮廓铜箔( 12HVLP )随机进行检验,对比了经过粗化的处理面与非处理面的显微形貌、单位面积的铜箔质量、抗拉强度、延伸率、轮廓度、抗剥离强度以及抗氧化等测试数据,并检测了样品的指标达标情况。结果表明: RTF 的剥离强度与粗化层形貌有着直接的联系,同时 HVLP 的剥离强度与轮廓度的增大密切相关,研究结果为生产中改善高频高速铜箔抗剥离性能提供一定的指导依据。
- Abstract:
- : With the continuous development of 5G information technology , higher requirements and newer specifications have been put forward for its high-frequency and high-speed electrolytic copper foil for 5G. At present , there are two types of electrolytic copper foils for hard boards produced in China : reversed copper foil ( RTF ) and ultra-low profile copper foil ( HVLP ) . A batch of reversed copper foil ( 12RTF ) with a thickness of 12 μ m from six different manufacturers at home and abroad and a batch of ultra-low profile copper foil ( 12HVLP ) with a thickness of 12 μ m from two different manufacturers were tested randomly. The microscopic morphology of the coarse-treated and untreated surfaces , copper foil mass per unit area , tensile strength , elongation , roughness , peel strength and oxidation resistance were compared and the samples were tested for compliance. The results showed that the peel strength of RTF was directly related to the appearance of the roughened layer , and the peel strength of HVLP was closely related to the increase of the profile. The research results would provide a certain basis for improving the peel resistance of high-frequency and high-speed copper foil in production.
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收稿日期: 2023-08-18 修回日期: 2023-10-13 作者简介: 于洁( 1999 —),女,硕士研究生, email : 1515081085@qq.com * 通信作者: 刘二勇( 1982 —), email : liueryong@xust.edu.cn 基金项目: 陕西省重点研发计划项目( 2021SF-469 );国家自然科学基金项目( 52175184 )