LEI Tongxin,JU Hui,ZHANG Changke,et al.Application of Ni-W-P Alloy Prepared by Electroplating to Tool Joints[J].Plating & Finishing,2019,(10):38-42.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-3849.2019.10.009]
- Title:
- Application of Ni-W-P Alloy Prepared by Electroplating to Tool Joints
- Keywords:
- tool joint; nickel-tungsten-phosphate alloy; electroplating; anti-sticking; corrosion resistance
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 石油钻杆接头是石油钻探的关键性部件,提高钻杆接头的防腐耐磨性能、延长其使用寿命对提高钻井效率、降低钻井成本具有重要意义。本文以钻杆接头4137H钢为基体电沉积制备了Ni-W-P合金镀层。分析了Ni-W-P合金镀层的成分、组织结构、表面形貌、硬度、附着力以及其在H2S或CO2环境的耐腐蚀性能,并对合金镀层钻杆接头进行了反复上卸扣实验。结果表明,Ni-W-P合金镀层表面平整、致密,具有良好的结合力和高硬度,在高温含硫介质中的平均腐蚀速率为0.0059 mm/a,钻杆接头镀Ni-W-P合金后防粘扣性能比常规磷化处理提升一倍以上,可显著延长使用寿命。
- Abstract:
- Tool joint is a key component in oil drilling, it is important to improve the wear resistance and extend the working life of the tool joint for enhancing drilling efficiency and reducing drilling cost. In this paper, Ni-W-P alloy was prepared by electroplating on the surface of tool joint 4137H steel. The composition, structure, surface morphology, hardness, and adhesion of Ni-W-P alloy were analyzed. In addition, the corrosion resistance of Ni-W-P alloy in high percent of H2S or CO2 was also investigated. And moreover, the experiment of repeatedly unlocking the Ni-W-P alloy-coated drill tool joint was also carried out. The results showed that the Ni-W-P alloy had smooth and compact surface, good adhesion, and high hardness. The average corrosion rate of the coating was 0.0059 mm/a in high-temperature and high-sulfur media. The anti-sticking property of Ni-W-P alloy plated drill tool joint was more than twice as high as that of conventional phosphating, and the service life of drill tool joint was prolonged remarkably.
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收稿日期: 2018-09-25;修回日期: 2019-05-25
作者简介: 雷同鑫(1976-),中级工程师,主要从事钨合金的配方、工艺、质量控制研究,Email:leitongxin@163.com