Li Jianpu,Lu Xudong*,Li Dongdong.Research on oxidation resistance and corrosion resistance of marine titanium alloy and chromium coating[J].Plating & Finishing,2024,(5):65-71.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-3849.2024.05.010]
- Title:
- Research on oxidation resistance and corrosion resistance of marine titanium alloy and chromium coating
- Keywords:
- titanium alloy ; Cr coating ; salt spray corrosion ; high temperature oxidation
- 分类号:
- TG174.4
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 钛合金舰载武器装备长期处于高温及海水飞溅环境,为延长其使用寿命,采用电弧离子镀技术在其表面制备 Cr 涂层,并研究钛合金及 Cr 涂层的抗高温氧化和抗盐雾腐蚀性能。结果表明:由于冷热交替作用, 650 ℃ 循环氧化 1 h 后,在钛合金表面形成的氧化物和基体上产生裂纹,并形成 Ti 元素氧化物堆积。电弧离子镀的 Cr 涂层表面平滑完整,仅发生 Cr 元素氧化,对基体具有保护作用。盐雾腐蚀 720 h 后,钛合金表面发生腐蚀并产生剥落区域,而电弧离子镀制备的 Cr 涂层无腐蚀剥落区域,具有良好的抗盐雾腐蚀性能。
- Abstract:
- : In order to prolong the service life of titanium alloy shipboard weapons and equipment in the environment of high temperature and seawater splashing , arc ion plating technology was used to prepare Cr coating on its surface , and the resistance to high temperature oxidation and salt spray corrosion of titanium alloy and Cr coating was studied. The results show that due to the alternating effect of cold and heat , after cyclic oxidation at 650 °C for 1 h , the oxides and matrix on the surface of titanium alloy crack , and Ti oxides accumulation is formed. The surface of the arc ion plating Cr coating is smooth and complete , and only the oxidation of Cr element occurs , which has a protective effect on the matrix. After 720 h of salt spray corrosion , the surface of the titanium alloy is corroded and the spalling area is generated , while the Cr coating prepared by arc ion plating has no corrosive spalling area and has good salt spray corrosion resistance.
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收稿日期: 2023-10-23 修回日期: 2023-12-31 作者简介: 李建普( 1997 —),男,硕士研究生, email : * 通信作者: 卢旭东,男,教授,博士,研究方向为耐热耐腐蚀合金和涂层开发, email : 基金项目: 兵器工业集团十四五创新基金项目