Tian Huijuan*,Zhao Yue,Cao Yuxia,et al.Study on corrosion inhibition of Q235 steel by tyrosine derivative[J].Plating & Finishing,2023,(10):40-45.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-3849.2023.10.007]
- Title:
- Study on corrosion inhibition of Q235 steel by tyrosine derivative
- Keywords:
- corrosion inhibitor ; tyrosine ; tyrosine derivative ; carbon steel
- 分类号:
- TG174.42
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 针对酸洗剂对金属的腐蚀问题,为了提高环保型氨基酸类缓蚀剂的缓蚀效果,设计合成了酪氨酸衍生物,并采用红外光谱和核磁共振氢谱( 1 H NMR )对产物进行了表征。采用失重法、极化曲线和交流阻抗( EIS )等方法研究了在 30 ℃ 0.5 mol·L -1 硫酸溶液中酪氨酸衍生物对 Q235 钢的缓蚀性能,并探讨了缓蚀机理。结果表明:在相同浓度时,酪氨酸衍生物的缓蚀率明显高于酪氨酸。当酪氨酸衍生物缓蚀剂使用浓度为 200 mg·L -1 时,缓蚀率即可达到 93.88 % 。酪氨酸衍生物能同时抑制阴极和阳极反应,为混合抑制型缓蚀剂。电荷转移电阻随缓蚀剂浓度的增加而增加,说明酪氨酸衍生物分子在碳钢表面吸附形成了保护膜,从而起到缓蚀作用。
- Abstract:
- : In order to improve the corrosion inhibition effect of environment-friendly amino acid corrosion inhibitors , tyrosine derivative was designed and synthesized , and the product was characterized by infrared spectroscopy and H nuclear magnetic resonance ( 1 H NMR ) . The corrosion inhibition of tyrosine derivative on Q235 steel at 30 ℃ in 0.5 mol·L -1 H 2 SO 4 was studied by weight loss method , polarization curve and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy ( EIS ) . The corrosion inhibition mechanism was also discussed. The results showed that the inhibition efficiency of tyrosine derivative was significantly higher than that of tyrosine at the same concentration. When the concentration of tyrosine derivative corrosion inhibitor was 200 mg·L -1 , the inhibition efficiency was 93.88 %. The results showed that tyrosine derivative can inhibit both cathode and anode reactions and belonged to mixed inhibitory corrosion inhibitor. The charge transfer resistance increased with the increase of corrosion inhibitor concentration , indicating that tyrosine derivative molecules adsorbed on the surface of carbon steel to form a protective film , thus playing a role in corrosion inhibition.
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收稿日期: 2023-03-06 修回日期: 2023-04-19 * 通信作者: 田会娟( 1982 —),女,博士,副教授, email : hjtian82@163.com 基金项目: 唐山市科技局项目( 21130232C );河北省高等学校科学技术(青年)项目( QN202205 );唐山师范学院校内项目( 2222C40 )?/html>