LI Pengfei*,YAN Wuyue.Electroless Plating of Ni-Co-P/PTFE Composite Coating on Power Plant Cooling Water Pipe and Its Anti-fouling Performance and Corrosion Resistance[J].Plating & Finishing,2021,(1):18-24.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-3849.2021.01.0040]
- Title:
- Electroless Plating of Ni-Co-P/PTFE Composite Coating on Power Plant Cooling Water Pipe and Its Anti-fouling Performance and Corrosion Resistance
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 在电厂冷却水管常用的20#钢表面化学镀Ni-Co-P镀层,并以沉积速率作为指标,通过单因素实验得到化学镀Ni-Co-P镀层较优的溶液成分和工艺条件。在此基础上,通过向溶液中添加PTFE制备出Ni-Co-P/PTFE复合镀层,进一步研究了PTFE浓度对Ni-Co-P/PTFE复合镀层防垢耐蚀性能的影响。结果表明,随着PTFE浓度增加,Ni-Co-P/PTFE复合镀层的生垢速率和平均腐蚀速率都呈先减小后增大的趋势,与PTFE质量分数先升高后下降有关联性。PTFE浓度为25 mL/L时,Ni-Co-P/PTFE复合镀层的生垢速率和平均腐蚀速率均最小,依次为1.66×10-2 g/(m2·h)和1.85×10-5 g/(cm2·h)。该复合镀层经24 h生垢实验后表面的污垢呈稀疏分布,覆盖面积小,经84 h浸泡实验后表面的蚀坑相对较小,表现出较好的防垢耐蚀性能。
- Abstract:
- Ni-Co-P coating was prepared by electroless plating on the surface of 20# steel commonly used in power plant cooling water pipes. The deposition rate was taken as the index, and the optimal solution component and process conditions for electroless plating of Ni-Co-P coating were obtained by single factor experiment. On this basis, Ni-Co-P/PTFE composite coating was prepared by adding PTFE in the solution and the influence of PTFE concentration on the anti-fouling performance and corrosion resistance of Ni-Co-P/PTFE composite coating was further studied. The results showed that with the increase of PTFE concentration, the fouling rate and average corrosion rate of Ni-Co-P/PTFE composite coating both decreased first and then increased, which was related to the variation tendency of the mass fraction of PTFE. When PTFE concentration was 25 mL/L, the Ni-Co-P/PTFE composite coating with the minimum fouling rate and average corrosion rate, which was 1.66×10-2 g/(m2·h) and 1.85×10-5 g/(cm2·h) respectively. The fouling on surface of the composite coating was sparse and the coverage area was small after 24 hours of scaling experiment, and the erosion pits on surface of the composite coating was relatively small after 84 h immersion experiment, showing better anti-fouling and corrosion resistance performance.
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收稿日期: 2020-08-07;修回日期: 2020-08-30
通信作者: 李鹏飞, email:
基金项目: 内蒙古自治区教育厅项目(NJZY18273)